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What are You Obsessed With?

I am obsessed with Grey's Anatomy and ER. I am obsessed with music. I am obsessed with popcorn. I am obsessed with going to see every movie that is out that I actually want to see. I am obsessed with haning out with friends. I am obsessed with my puppy Otto. I am obsessed with making sure my relationships are constantly secure. I am obsessed with feeling comfortable. I am obsessed with laughing.

Ha ha, what am I obsessed with... Phantom of the Opera and Dracula. The musical and the book for Phantom, and just the book of Dracula. (All the movies--especially the one with Gary Oldman-- are horrific. A desecration to the story...but I love to watch the Bela Lugosi version. It is the funniest movie ever. Yay 1930's!!!)
I am also obsessed with Salad Fingers. That is the best flash series ever...

I am obsessed with my computer and myspace. My space is a socail online network where you can meet friends and talk to people at your school.You have to be careful on what information you post because there are a ton of online preditors that pretend to be your friend but then they will come to your house and hurt you. I like Myspace because you can connect with a bunch of people.

I am obsessed with CSI and criminal minds. I also am obsessed with Sports I love to watch them Play them be the best that I can be at any sport I also love to learn new sports. I the last thing that I am obsessed with is speed I love to watch fast people.

im obsessed with skatinig, music, girls, girls with nice feet, girls with nice legs, and music music mucsic music, the color black and white, im obbsessed with turtles.

im obbsessed with accomplishments i love accomplishing something and trying my hardest and making it push me to the limit of no return

I am Obsessed with video games and stuff like that. Soon I will have perfect my hand eye coordination... not. I am also obsessed with Cars like Ferrari Enzos and Bugatti's.

I am obsessed with the OC and Greys anatomy. i love these shows and own almost all of their seasons. I am obsessed with music. I listen to music as soon as i get up i turn on my radio or ipod as i am getting ready for school. Even before i fall asleep i may have my ipod in my ear. I love certain movies though i am not obsessed with any. i am obsessed with just having fun and living the moment.

I usually don't obsess about things but I would have to say I'm obsessed with my own personal sucsess. I have to be sucsessful or I'm not satisfied. It's the only thing I could truly say I am obsessed about.

i am obssed with dirtbiking and tattoos i think that tattoos are a good way to express yourself or to get a remembrance of someone that past away or if you have gone through a stuggle in your life and you can always do something creative with that and design something really cool for someone

I am obsessed with food. When I grow up I want to be a famous chef in New York. I think that that would be amazing. I am not really a good cook right now, but I practicwe alot and I like to help my parents in the kitchen.

obsession. well, i am obsessed with dance and gilmore girls. i dance about five days a week and i always tune into my weekly gilmore girls. i am also obsessed with living my life the best i can. we only have one life and i want to make sure that i live it to the fullest point

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Oh I almost forgot I am also obsessed with Beauty and the Geek. It is sooooooooooo funny and you really get to know the people and you are sad when they get eliminated. Watch it! Wednesday at seven and reruns on Sunday at seven, channel two.

Im obsessed with activity and always want to have a good time. Though it could be more accurate to just say that I hate boredom.

There is only one thing that I'm truly obssessed is liting weights. It is the best hour of my day and I always think about it the pump, the results, the effort.

lifting weights and eating food and not being friends with people who use myspace because its stupid

Im obsessed with music. I love it.
Im obsessed with always having a good time and never letting other people bring you down. Im also obsessed with art. It is msuch a good way to express yourself and a way to see how others interpret things.

I am obsessed with the beach. It is so hard for me in the 11 monthes that I can not be at the beach. Also I am obessed with TV shows, including Grey's Anatomy OC and Deseperate Housewives

i am obssessed with jamming to music all kinds, having a good time also washing my hands when they feal dirty.

I'm obsessed with...wikis. Everything I'm creating right now has to do with wikis. I'm obsessed with jewelry and great sales. I am a bargain shopper and will spend money on gas to find just the right thing at just the right price. I am obsessed with Diet Pepsi.

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