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What Do You Believe In?

i beleive in god. i beleive you dont need to go to church to go to heaven, i think you need to live life with good morals and good personal values. if you go through life doing what you want to do not what you need to do you will be happy and thats what i also beleive in.

I believe in working things out for the best and not the worst. I hate getting in fights with people and not being able to work out things. I like being a person who remains neutral in other peoples arguements and that my friends should try to get along together when around in each other. I am a peacful person and I like beign in a group of people who have a sense of humor and love to be around people who also have a good sense of humor. I believe in a peaceful group of people and thats just the type of person I am.

Man, this is hard to do...writing about your personal thoughts. My personal thoughts are personal and would really confuse anyone else. Like my logic is so logically unlogical that it is logical only to logical ol' me. It is hard to say what I believe, without fear of starting a controversy, so I will say this: I BELIEVE SCHOOL SHOULD START AT 12:00 PM!!!!!!!!! yay!

i believe in God in jesus. i believe in true love and love at first sight. i believe in not having too many best friends. i believe in two wrongs don't make a right. i believe in writing. I believe in myself.

I believe in hope. I don't think you have to believe in a certain religion. I don't believe you have to believe in many things but if you're going to believe in anything, I think you should believe in hope. I never believed in hope until I met my boyfriend. He gave me hope for so many different things and he made me realize you can't just pass life hating it. You NEED to have hope, maybe not for everything but you need to have hope for something.

I believe in God. I don't go to church alot, but I always pray at night and I believe that God is always with you. I think that everyone has a little piece of God in them even if they don't know it yet.

i believe in karma. i believe that the way you treat others is the way you shoudl expect to be treated. I believe what goes around comes around. i believe in living life to fullest and having fun while you can. there are some limits but sometimes the only way to achieve higher or just have fun and be want you want is to just go for it. life is not all fun and games but make it all fun and be happy. thats what is important to be you and have fun no matter what others think it only matters what you think about yourself and if you are the best you can be.

I beleive in will power that you can do anything you put your mind to. I beleive every person could make a differnece no matter how much money or how many connections you have.

I believe that there is a god. But he’s on vacation probably in Jamaica or something like just Chilin drinking those little drinks with the umbrella. But yeah I go on a nice long vacation after 2006.

I BELIVE IN ROBB!!! aand i belive in god also rob cause he is the coolist and that we wre all here for a reason and that were all connected in some way and that we all need to work together as a world not as sepreate contries we all need to work together or i think that this world will be divided and wont see were this world is really going look at whats happening now GLOBAL WARMING!! we all better work together soon

I believe in God and Jesus. I believe that they created the world in just 7 days. I believe that everyone knows that there is a heaven and a God, they just choose to ignore it. I believe that your family and your childhood defines who you become. I believe that your actions define what kind of person you are.

I believe that time does heal wounds...cliche, I know. But it does. I believe that laughing and smiling can make your day better. I believe in teenagers; when we lost Chloe, kids were helped me want to get up in the mornings. They sent cards, silly comics, presents, etc., etc. My classes even gave me surprise parties (Chris, remember the all-boys shin-dig?) I believe that believing in something bigger than YOU is necessary. I believe if you do kind things, the world WILL improve. I believe in conspiracy theories. I believe that animals have souls.

I believe in myself and the people around me to follow through and get what they want. Spiritually there is not much to say.

I believe in god and that god has a plan for everyone. If something happens it is in gods plan.I believe that there can be good out of anything. When tragedys happen good come s out maybe not right a way but eventually good comes out. I also believe in miracles with anything wether it is a sports team or anything else.


that living in the moment is a lot better than living a consevative life that dosn't bring the joy of when you live in the moment of things and try to find the next big rush.

I believe that what comes around goes around. If you are a very kind person and don't steal or cheat or be fake to others than good things will come your way. However if you are a bad person and you do things to people that are mean and rude than that will come back to you. This is also known as Karma. I also believe in other things including god and love

i believe in a thing called love and that you find love at first sight

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